PAX-8 belongs to the “paired box” transcription factors protein family. This nuclear protein is involved in follicular cells development in the thyroid gland and in the expression of specific thyroid genes. Mutations in PAX-8 gene have been associated with dysgenesis, follicular carcinoma and atypical adenomas of the thyroid gland.

Studies suggest that PAX-8 can also be used as an immunohistochemical marker for epithelial carcinomas of kidney and ovary. Breast and lung carcinomas do not express PAX-8. This is why PAX-8 in combination with specific organ markers such as Mammaglobin, TTF-1 and Uroplakin-III may be useful in determining the primary site of invasive micro-papillary carcinoma of the ovary, bladder, lung and breast.



 Format  Conditioning   Reference   Supplier  Certification  Dilution
Concentrated  0,5 ml  RBK047-05   IVD, CE 1/25-1/100
Ready to use  6 ml  RBG047  IVD, CE -



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